Create Template
Through the “Template” Module the admin can create a template that:
1.Has a Sequential Order rule (Milestone 1 must be completed before Milestone 2)
2.Has an overriding rule (Ability to show milestone completed multiple times, percent complete only shown after the first time milestone is complete)
3.Has an approval rule (After a milestone is shown is complete it is sent to the “Approval” Module for the supervisor/approver to approve or reject the complete milestone
4.Each template must:
•Be associated to a Discipline
•Be associated to a commodity
•Contain a description
•Contain a cost code
After the template is created the admin can add milestones to the template. A template can have from 1 – many milestones. The milestones must contain:
•A description
•A Allocated % (% amount of total completion of template)
•If template has the sequential rule selected the milestones must contain a sequence #, otherwise the sequence number is only used for sorting milestones
•It is optional for the milestone to have a remark entered
Change Template
2 fields affect the conditions for an admin of the application to modify the template; tags associated to the template and if any work has been progressed. In other words, how many tags are associated to the template the admin wants to change and has any of those tags progressed work so far.
•If no tags are associated with the template.
The admin will be able to modify anything about the template because it has no effect on any tag. They can delete the template or milestones, change the rules of the template and add and change the allocated % of the allocated %
•If tags are associated with the template but no work has been progressed
The user cannot change the description or cost code of the template. They cannot delete the template.
They can change the template rules and any milestone data (add, delete, edit).
Before any changes are made the user should be notified that it will affect X tags.
Before they can commit the changes the system will check if the sum of all allocated % = 100%. If it is not equal it should give an error message.
•If tags are associated with the template and any work has been progressed
Only allocated % can be changed and before update can be committed the system will check if the sum of allocated % = 100%
To modify progressed the admin will after use the Tag ROC Module and will not be able to modified the progressed tags. The admin must first remove the progress to modify the association.
Classification Module
All tags contain a classification which is a sub group of the discipline grouping. Example Electrical Tags will have a sub group or classification of “Elec: Cables”, “Elec: Termination”, etc. In the Classification module, it will show a table with the following information:
Classification – for all disciplines
Tag Count – all tags in that classification that have the same ROC Template as the classification
ROC Template – the template that is assigned to all tags with that classification
Work Progressed? – If any tag has any work progressed then this field will be shown as true
Initially the ROC Template field and the Work Progressed field will be filled with blanks and FALSE values respectively for all the classifications. For each classification the admin can select a template and assign it to all the tags associated with the classification. Before creating the assignment, the system will check if the template being assigned total milestone % = 100%. If it doesn’t an error message should appear informing the admin that the assignment cannot be made and the template must be fixed.
The Classification module can only be used to assign a template to a classification if the Work Progressed? field for that classification = FALSE. If it equals FALSE that means either it does not have a template assigned and needs a template to be assigned to it, or it has a template assigned but none of the milestones have been progressed so the template can be changed.
NOTE: If a template assignment change is made using the Classification module it will only affect the tags that have the same classification and the same original ROC template assignment. This will ensure that if a tag with “Elec: Cable” classification with a custom template is not changed if the template for the “Elec: Cable” classification is changes.
Tag Assignment Module
If the admin requires a template to be assigned to a specific tag and not the set of tags in a classification, this change can happen through the Tag Assignment Module.
The user can select a series of tags to change the template assigned to them. Once the tags are selected if the user tries to change the template association the system will check if all of the tags contain the same template assignment. If they don’t the system will provide an error message informing the admin that the system can only modify tags with the same template association.
If all the tags are associated with the same template the admin can use the modify template button. This will allow the admin to create a copy of the template that the admin can modify.
The admin is able to modify the new templates name and rules.
If any of the tags selected have work progressed on any of the milestones, then the admin is only able to modify the milestone allocated %. If the allocated % are changed the system will check if the total is still at 100% otherwise it will give an error message.
If all of the tags have no progress started the admin can make any modification to the template as long as the total milestone % = 100%.
Admin Approval Workflow Setup
The Work Progressing Approval Process may not be the same on all projects. Therefor a method to setup the Work Progressing Approval Workflow must be created. Ability to create user groups and assign the user groups to templates, classifications, disciplines or tags. There must also be method to require multiple approvals.
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