Types of Work packages
•Types of Work Packages
•Type of Packages WorkPack
•Attributes linked to Work packages
•Progress attributes
•Admin attributes
•Custom Package attributes
2.1 Displaying a Work Package
1. From the Work Packages tab, use the scroll bar to Select A Package type.
2. Double-click the Work Pack Selection
3. Saved or Default Work Pack will display
4. Press button to view one or more Sub parts
5.This will display on the right side of the field.
Creating Work Packages
Work Packages are a controlled package that consists of specific Equipment Tags, materials, documents and work tasks that are being grouped together as a concise reportable piece of work. There are many attributes that can be added to a Work Package. Work Packages must exist within a Work Breakdown Structure order that is defined by the Project.The Work Package will be associated to a Discipline and will contain the following information:
•Work Package Category ex- Surveying, Site Work, Civil, Structural, etc.
•Work Package Type ex – Site Topographic Survey, Demolition, Building Steel Erection, etc.
•Work Package Attributes
oCustom attributes can be added to Work Packages as required.
2.11 Creating New Package
1.Click Create new package
2.Enter or Create a new Package No & Description
2.12 Creating New Part
1.Click Create New Part
2.Enter the new Ddescription
Tags to Work Packages
By assigning Tags to the work packages, you also capture all of the attributes that have been assigned to those Tags. The same Equipment Tag can be used within different Work Packages over time.
Tags can be assigned to work packages in one of two ways:
•By Selecting the Equipment directly using Navisworks.
•By selecting the Equipment Tags from a list within the X4D plugin.
oUse the filters to find the Equipment tags that are a part of the Work Package.
2.13 Adding Tags
1. Tags will be added from the filtering system found in the Available Tags or in Progressing module.
• User will be able to locate tags more quickly while also being provided the drag and drop functionalityas well as Ctrl/Shift functionality to select multiple tags for easier use.
•Through integration with 3D model, the user can select parts in the model which would also add to the New Package.
2. Click View 3D Link in Tags list and Selected Tags will be display in 3D model.
2.14 Changing Color
1.Select an object in 3D model to change color
2.Apply different color and click apply
3.User will view the changes in the selected Tags in 3D model
2.15 Save Package
1.When all the steps are completed (Section 2.11 to 2.14 ) Click Save Package.
2. It will automatically generate new Package
3.Generated Package will display under default Work Pack on the left side window
2.16 Other functions are available in WorkPackages
2.17 Save All Package
1.When all the steps are completed (Section 2.11 to 2.16 ) Click Save All to save all work package, viewpoints and material changes.
2. It will automatically save everything.
Apply the Work Package in the 3D View
When you apply the Work Package to the 3D View, you will be able to see all of the equipment that has been included in the package, as it will stand out from the other non-included equipment. In order to apply the work package to the View, you must first select a colour for that Package and then press ‘Apply to 3D View’.
Note - It will Automatically send a virtual copy of the work package for review to the users who have been listed by the Creator.Creator will have ability to choose which individual or groups need to review the work package. |
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