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How to upload a Model





How to upload a Model


Open X4D and Login to the Project.


Once logged in, go to Models in the Project tab and click on Upload Model


Select the Model file to be uploaded and click Open.


Once done, the uploaded model should be visible in the Models menu on the left side of the screen.

Click Save Changes.

Once Saved, close the Porject tab.


Navigate to the Administration tab.

Select the uploaded model from the models menu.

Click Refresh properties. (This take may take some time depending on the size of the model, be patient)



Once the refresh properties task starts, it would pop up a cmd window depecting that the script is under process.


The script should create a log file in the designated temp folder.

The log file keeps getting refreshed as the script progresses (Use Notepad++ to be able to see the changes on the log file)


Check the Log File at the following path C:\X4D Temp\PKTEST1\20250121\181169


Once the properties are refreshed, they should be available under the properties tab which was empty earlier.

Select unique Attributes such as Name


After selecting the unique attributes, click the Run X4D Pull button on the right side of the screen.

Once the Run X4D Pull task starts, it would pop up a cmd window depecting that the script is under process.


The script should create a log file in the designated temp folder.

The log file keeps getting refreshed as the script progresses (Use Notepad++ to be able to see the changes on the log file)


Check the log file at following path C:\X4D Temp\PKTEST1\20250121\ 181169 - AREA 1300-1400 MODEL REVIEW_NA_Nwd_Automate.txt


Once the pull is completed, the Tags extracted window will come up showing the New Tags that were found in the Pull.

Click on Accept All and then Save and Close to accept the tags.

Do not close any window manually during this step.


Saving widow pops up.


All the tags would be highlighted Green and would start becoming white on the list as the save progresses.

Once all the tags are saved, the system would give a pop up confirming that the save is completed.


Now the next step would be to run the X4D Push.

Click on the Run X4d Push button right below the Pull button.


Once the Run X4D Push task starts, it would pop up a cmd window depecting that the script is under process.


Once the push compeletes, the system would give a confiration stating "Push Completed"





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