6.1 Adding New Template
1.On the Template field
2. Scroll down to Select:
3.Enter the following fields:
•Template Name
•Template Description
4.Click Add Button
5.New Template row will display in a Template List
6.12 To change a Template record
1. Select displayed Template list row
2. Onto the Template field
3. Click and make changes to the fields
4. Click Save button
6.13 To delete a Template record
1.Select displayed Template list record
2.Click delete button onto the template window
6.2 Adding Activity
1.Highlight the Template row in Template List
2.On the Activity Window
3.Click and Enter the following field:
•Activity Code
4.Click and Enter time
5.Scroll down to Select:
•Not Ocurring
6.Enter Estimated Completion Time ( optional)
7.Click Add Button
8.Activity will display under Template record
6.21 To change a Activity record
1.Select displayed Template Activity
2.Goto the Activity window
3.Click and make changes to the fields
4.Click Save button
6.22 To deactivate a Template record
1.Select displayed Activity record
2.Click deactivate button onto the activity window
6.3 Create copy of selected template
1.Select Template from Template record
2.Onto Create copy of selected template field
2.Click and Enter
•New Template name
•New Description
3 Click Create Copy
Note - Warning window will display if user will make any changes. |
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