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X4D Database Server

ØSQL Server Version: X4D is tested and found compatible with:

SQL Server 2008 R2

SQL Server 2012 and 2012 R2

SQL Server 2014 and 2014 R2

All the above versions were tested with Enterprise, Standard as well as Express Editions

SQL Server 2014 handles File Objects nicely and is preferred version.

ØOperating System: Any OS compatible with chosen SQL Server version

ØRAM: X4D uses multiple asynchronous database calls when creating package reports, 16GB minimum RAM for Server is preferred. Higher the better.


X4D Client Machine

ØWindows XP, 7, 8 or 10

ØNavisworks 2014 Simulate or Manage for X4D Regular Users

ØNavisworks Freedom for casual users

ØMicrosoft Office 2010 onwards

ØPDF Reader

ØPDF Writer for PDF marking capability

ØComment marking tool on Image like Snag-IT


X4D Mobile Access

ØTested for iPAD 2 onwards

ØTested on iPhone 5 onwards

ØDevice shall have WiFi network for Site office network access

ØDevice shall have Cellular network for Field Operations

Ø2-Step Authentication is required for Mobile Access

Ø3D PDF viewer application

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