X4D Installation
SQL Server Database Setup
ØInstallation of SQL Server:
•Company Practice shall be followed for installing new server
•Instructions SQL Server Installation may be used for Reference if required
•Exiting Instance of Database Connection may be used
•Create a Standard Database for X4D use. No special configuration necessary.
•Database name for X4D is preferred as [X4D_ProjectNumber] or [ProjectNumber_X4D]
•For example, if the Project Number is XXXX and X4D database name can be XXXX_X4D or X4D_XXXX
ØAs an Administrator, you shall have DBO permissions on the SQL Server Instance
ØUse the Supplied SQL Script to load the Starter Database for the Project
X4D License Request
ØX4D Licenses are tied to the SQL Server Instance Name and Database Name of the Project. License Request shall be sent to Support.Manager@CADGlobal.ca with the format as:
Subject: Request for X4D License
Company: Requesting Company Name
Project: Project Name
Project Number: XXXX
Database Name: XXXX_X4D
Authentication Type: Windows or SQL
Domain: Bechtel
For a Secured user based SQL Server Access, Windows Authentication is recommended.
For Site or Domain based SQL Server Access, SQL Authentication is preferred
X4D Initial Configuration
ØTo start the application, you need at least one X4D user on the application.
ØAdd yourself as X4D Admin user, add your credential in the table [t_Security_Users] and add your userID in table [t_Security_Roles] with GroupID of Administrator like:
Insert into [t_security_Users] values ('Gurmeet Singh','CAD Global Inc.','EDS Manager','Gurmeet.Singh@cadglobal.ca','',1,'gsingh@bechtel.com','',155,'iamers\gsingh')
Insert into [t_Security_Roles] values (129,1)
Setup of X4D: Application and License Install
•Copy the License file at any Network Location, you can use a UNC path or Mapped Drive path say \\Server\Share\X4D_License or P:\X4D
•X4D uses environment variable “X4D_License_Path” to locate the License File. If the Licenses are kept at location \\Server\Share\X4D_License\X4D_License_XXXX.txt, then variable shall be set as:
X4D_License_Path = \\Server\Share\X4D_License
•Environment variable can be set in either System or User profile
•Following Command can also be used to add as user variable:
Setx X4D_License_Path “\\Server\Share\X4D_License”
ØProject Selection: Project selection by X4D is also controlled with user variable X4D_Project, if the project number is XXXX, set the variable as
X4D_Project = “XXXX”
Or use command: Setx X4D_Project “XXXX”
ØInstallation: X4DApp Install (Server Install and Client Configuration)
ØServer Installation: Supplied X4DApp folder shall be copied into any network location and all users be provided with “Read Only” access of folder
ØClient X4D Core Application:
•No installation required on user machine
•Create a shortcut for X4D.exe file in X4DApp folder on server
•For X4DApp, Navisworks is not mandatory on Client machine
ØClient X4D Navisworks Plugins:
•Shall be installed on Client machine which has Navisworks Simulate 2016 or Navisworks Manage 2016
•Not Required on machines with Navisworks Freedom. Freedom can only review the X4D attributes which are embedded in NWD file
•Supplied Plugins\Root folder files shall be copied in Navisworks App folder:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Manage 2016\ or
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Simulate 2016\
•Supplied X4DNavisworkMenu folder shall be copied in Navisworks plugin folder:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Manage 2016\Plugins\ or
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Simulate 2016\Plugins
Installation using Batch File
A Batch file, sample provided below can be created as below for a simple client install:
Setx X4D_License_Path “\\Server\Share\X4D_License"
Setx X4D_Project "XXXX"
XCOPY \\Server\Share\X4D_XXXX\Plugins\Root\*.* "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Manage 2016\" /D /Y
XCOPY \\Server\Share\X4D_XXXX\Pluggins\Plugins\*.* "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Manage 2016\Plugins\" /D /Y /S
X4D version updates:
ØWhen a new version update is received for the application, the update is received in two parts:
•Database Scripts: These scripts are required to be run on the SQL Server. It is recommended to take the backup of existing database before running scripts.
•Application Version Update: The X4DAPP folder on the server needs to be updated and the script can be run on client machine to keep the plugins updated.
Typical Folder setup for project 25996 is as:
In the above sample setup, Run either of the following files for Manage or Simulate:
This shall create a client install
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